The weather forecast for this weekend is not good! The combination of heavy snow on Saturday with cold temperatures on Sunday has me concerned for camp transportation. This coming Sunday will be cancelled. I plan on running a two week drills camp on Sunday, January 27th and February 3rd from 2:30-3:30pm for a fee of $25. I plan on squeezing everything originally planned into these 2 sessions. Hopefully the weather cooperates and I might go a few minutes over the 60 minute session. Coach Mark Jackley
about 6 years ago, Steve Wheeler
New Cumberland HS Baseball Coach, Mark Jackley, will conduct a baseball drills camp for grades 5-8 the next 3 Sunday's (January 20, 27, Feb. 3), from 2:30-3:30pm in the HS gym. Coach Jackley would like to share indoor drills that players can do during the winter months for the upcoming season. He will pick out favorite drills that have worked best for players he has coached previously. All campers will perform the drills! January 20-Throwing Drills January 27-Hitting Drills February 3-Fielding Drills The cost of the camp is $30, which will go towards the renovation of our new field. Cash or check payable to Cumberland Baseball will be collected the first day of camp. No registration is needed! Players just need to show up at Cumberland High School 10 minutes before start time on Sunday with necessary baseball equipment for each drill. Parents are invited to stay and watch the hour drill sessions. Please park and enter the gym on the southeast corner of Cumberland High School.
about 6 years ago, Steve Wheeler
Girls Basketball scheduled for Saturday, Jan 12th at Martinsville in the SE LOVC conference tournament has been cancelled for Saturday. Cumberland's game will now be played on Monday, Jan 14th starting at 6:00 against Martinsville. A new tournament bracket will be released soon
about 6 years ago, Steve Wheeler
Due to incoming weather for January 11th and 12th the following events at Cumberland High School have been changed: Dance camp should still plan to be at the school between 5:45 and 6:00
about 6 years ago, Steve Wheeler
Due to incoming weather for January 11th and 12th the following events at Cumberland High School have been changed: Friday, January 11th JV/V Basketball vs. Neoga will have a start time of 5:00 for the JV game and varsity to follow around 6:30.
about 6 years ago, Steve Wheeler
Due to incoming weather for January 11th and 12th the following events at Cumberland High School have been changed: Friday, January 11th JV/V Basketball vs. Neoga will have a start time of 5:00 for the JV game and varsity to follow around 6:30. Dance camp should still plan to be at the school between 5:45 and 6:00 Saturday, January 12th Wrestling Duals at Home has been CANCELLED
about 6 years ago, Steve Wheeler
The high school girls’ basketball game @ Okaw Valley has been cancelled for tonight.
about 6 years ago, Steve Wheeler
The baseball team will be selling old game jerseys on Friday, 12/14, in the gym. Coach Jackley will be in the gym all day if you want to purchase a grey or black jersey. The price of a jersey is $20. It will be first come, first served on particular sizes or numbers.
about 6 years ago, Amy Carr
The freshman pasta fundraiser is in. It will be available for pick up tomorrow during Flex and after school.
over 6 years ago, Amy Carr
Today (October 17, 2018) Cumberland High School staff and students participated in an active shooter drill. Unfortunately in today's world these drills are necessary. We appreciate the staff and students cooperation during this and all other safety drills.
over 6 years ago, Steve Wheeler
Today, October 17, 2018, Cumberland High School staff and students participated in an active shooter drill. Unfortunately in today's world these drills are necessary. We appreciate the cooperation of the staff and students during this and all other safety drills.
over 6 years ago, Amy Carr
Pirate football fans: this Friday's game at Arthur is their annual Pink Out Game. All Pirate fans are encouraged to join ALAH fans in wearing pink to the game to help support breast cancer awareness.
over 6 years ago, Amy Carr
2018 Powder Puff players
over 6 years ago, Todd Butler
2018 Powder Puff Players
Powder Puff Football Game Friday, October 5th 6:30 PM Cumberland High School
over 6 years ago, Amy Carr
Powder Puff Football Game
Today at 1:00 pm, after student dismissal, there will be a County Disaster EXERCISE conducted at Cumberland High School . During the EXERCISE traffic flow on Route 121 and on campus will be disrupted and we ask you to please avoid the area from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm. Thank you.
over 6 years ago, Todd Butler
Due to scheduling conflicts the Powder Puff football game for Homecoming will be played on Friday, October 5 at 6:30 pm. The field will be open for teams to practice on Sunday, September 30th from 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm.
over 6 years ago, Steve Wheeler
A Powder Puff football game has been scheduled for Tuesday, October 9! Admission to the game will be $1.00 or a nonperishable food item. The money and food will go to One Stop Community Christmas and the Eastern Illinois Food Bank to help those in need within our community.
over 6 years ago, Amy Carr
Today, 08/31/2018, Cumberland Elementary and Middle School conducted a crisis/intruder drill. Students and Staff did an excellent job.
over 6 years ago, Todd Butler
Reminder to seniors and their parents that Mrs. Plummer is hosting the annual scholarship information meeting on Tuesday, August 28th at 6:00 in the high school library. This is a great opportunity to learn about financial aid and scholarship opportunities.
over 6 years ago, Amy Carr
We are ready to roll out this morning! Are you excited to start the new school year? Let’s all have a great first day.
over 6 years ago, Steve Wheeler
School buses lined up