The CHS Scholastic Bowl team won the IHSA Sectional tournament today! They will be participating in the IHSA State Tournament next weekend. Congratulations!!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
The middle school students got a sneak peek of the musical, The Wizard of Oz, this morning. It was wonderful! Make sure you get your tickets for one of the performances this weekend! Show times are Friday at 7 PM, Saturday at 7 PM, and Sunday at 2 PM at the Toledo Christian Church. Tickets are $8 and are available at both school offices, the Toledo Democrat, and Greenup and Toledo First Neighbor Banks. Some will be available at the door.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
The Wizard of Oz
Today, the 2023 Lincoln Trail Band Festival was held at Casey-Westfield. Musicians from nine schools, including Cumberland High School, performed six selections under the direction of guest conductor, Mr. David Hickox. Thank you for hosting, Casey-Westfield!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Band Festival
Today at the ACES Sectional Competition, D.J. Nebel placed 1st in Physics, and Marshall Tipsword placed 2nd in Physics. Congratulations!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
With their Regional win, the Cumberland High School Scholastic Bowl team advances to the 1A Sectional at St. Anthony on Saturday, March 11, beginning at 10 AM. Teams in the Sectional are Casey-Westfield, Cumberland, St. Anthony, and Stew-Stras. Good Luck Cumberland!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
A group of 12 high school students, Mrs. Walk, District Librarian, and teachers, Mrs. Becker and Mrs. Wright, visited Champaign's Barnes & Noble yesterday to purchase new books for the high school library. They had a great time and came back with over 3 full boxes of new books to put in their library! The students will enjoy having new titles to check out soon!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Barnes & Noble
Barnes & Noble
Barnes & Noble
Barnes & Noble
Barnes & Noble
Barnes & Noble
Congratulations to the CHS Scholastic Bowl team! IHSA Regional Champions!!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Regional Champions
Reminder: School will dismiss at 12:15 on Friday, March 10, for a Teacher In-service.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Teacher In-service
Cumberland CUSD #77 is accepting applications for the following positions. For more information, contact the schools at (217) 923-3132.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
employment opportunities
employment opportunities
**Change in date and location** The CHS girls' basketball awards will be on Thursday, March 23, at 6:00 PM in the high school library.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
CHS Art Club hosted a "Kids Create: After School Art" program at the grade school on February 16. The high school students taught the grade school students how to create heart silhouette paintings. The next class will be on March 16, and students will be tie-dying shirts.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Art Class
Art Class
Last night was the annual Illinois Principals Association Wabash Valley Region Student Recognition dinner in Newton. Each principal may recognize two students from their school. Cumberland High School was represented by Michael Beaumont and Lauren Finn, Isaac Venatta and Stevi Nichols represented Cumberland Middle School, and Cumberland Elementary School was represented by Elizabeth Sudkamp and Raylan Figgins.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
IPA Dinner
IPA Dinner
IPA Dinner
IPA Dinner
The CHS girls basketball awards will be on Wednesday, March 15, at 6:00 PM in the high school cafeteria.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Seniors!! Make sure to stop by the guidance office and check your Google Classroom for scholarship opportunities available to you. Deadlines are quickly approaching!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
The CHS boys basketball awards will be on Monday, March 20, at 6:00 PM in the high school cafeteria.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
The LPC All-Conference boys basketball teams have been released! Gavin Hendrix has been named first team all-conference, and Trevin Magee is honorable mention all-conference. Congratulations!!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Cumberland Drama will present The Wizard of Oz on Friday, March 10, at 7 PM, Saturday, March 11, at 7 PM, and Sunday, March 12, at 2 PM at The Toledo Christian Church. Tickets are $8.00 and will be available after March 1st at both school offices, the Toledo Democrat, and Greenup & Toledo First Neighbor Bank.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
The Wizard of Oz
Cumberland High School will host Freshman Orientation on Tuesday, March 14, at 6:00 PM in the high school cafeteria. All incoming freshmen and parents are encouraged to attend to learn about classes and class schedules for the 2023/2024 school year. You may contact the high school guidance counseling department at (217) 923-3132 if you have any questions.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Due to a water main break in Greenup, there will be no school for Cumberland CUSD #77 tomorrow, February 27. We are under a 24 hour boil order. We will use an emergency day.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
The LPC All Conference girls basketball teams have been released! Abbie Becker has been named second team all conference, and Katelyn Shoemaker is honorable mention all conference. Congratulations!!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr