Cumberland Middle School will hold its end of season volleyball awards on Tuesday, March 25, at 5 PM in the grade/middle school cafeteria. All 7th and 8th graders should return their clean jerseys at this meeting. All 6th, 7th, and 8th volleyball players and their families are invited to attend.

Congratulations to the March Raiders of the Month! These students were chosen based on being reliable students, following expectations, and having exemplary behavior. Thank you for being respectful, responsible, and reliable Raiders!

The Cumberland Middle School 8th grade volleyball team will enter regional play on Saturday, March 8, at 11 AM against Shelbyville Moulton Middle School. The game will be played at Teutopolis Junior High School. Good luck Raiders!

Tickets are now on sale for the Little Shop of Horrors musical at the school offices. The performances are on March 14 at 7 PM, March 15 at 7 PM. and March 16 at 2 PM. We hope to see you there!

Mrs. Walk has some fun activities planned for Read Across America week! Next week, students can join in on the fun by participating in the dress up days. This is an optional activity, and students must follow the school handbook.

Join us in supporting Emma Probst and her family during Emma’s medical journey. We invite everyone to wear teal, Emma’s favorite color, on Friday (2/28).

The 5th grade students learned about entomology as they dissected grasshoppers this morning! The students worked with their team to identify the parts of the grasshopper while Mrs. Shirley from Ag in the Classroom explained the significance of each.

Cumberland Middle School will hold its eighth grade recognition ceremony and eighth grade dance on Wednesday, May 21, 2025. The recognition ceremony will begin at 6 PM in the new gym, and the dance will follow immediately afterward in the old gym. The dance will end at 9 PM, and only eighth grade Cumberland Middle School students can attend the dance.

Mrs. Walk took 12 middle school students to Barnes and Noble in Champaign last Friday. The students helped select over 90 new books for our library! The middle school students will have the chance to enjoy the new selections during a book tasting in the coming weeks.

The 5th grade has been studying about the Civil War over the last few weeks. Today, Civil War reenactor, Blake Sponsel presented what it was like to fight in that war. He brought several artifacts from the period for the students to check out. Another reenactor and CHS student, Devan Keck, helped with the presentation.

Due to other student commitments and conflicts, the middle school scholastic bowl meet on Thursday, February 27, at Effingham St. Anthony Junior High School has been canceled. This match will not be rescheduled.

The Cumberland Middle School 7th grade volleyball team will enter regional play on Saturday, March 1, at Teutopolis Junior High. They will take on Jasper County Newton Junior High at noon.

We have the following opportunities for you to join our team! Please share with those who may be interested. For more information, visit our school webpage at https://www.cumberland.k12.il.us/page/employment-opportunities.
* Middle School Principal/Athletic Director
*Title 1/Curriculum Director
* School Psychologist
*Special Education teacher with LBS1
* 2 Bus Drivers
*Middle School Head Girls Basketball Coach
*Middle School Assistant Girls Basketball Coach
*Certified Athletic Trainer

Athletic schedule update: The volleyball game against Dieterich on Tuesday, February 25, will begin at 4:15 PM.

Attention Parents and Guardians: The 5Essentials survey is now open. This anonymous survey helps our district make important decisions in school improvement. Your feedback is important to us! Please use the link below to fill out a survey for each school you have a child attending.

The 6th grade students in Mrs. D. McElravy's social studies class have been learning about ancient Greek culture and the invention of catapults. The students built their own catapults to demonstrate how they work.

Today was career day at Cumberland Middle School. Volunteers spoke to the students about careers that may spark their interest in a future career choice. The students learned about careers in robotics and engineering, community health, agriculture, trades, ministry, public works, owning a business, school administration, cosmetology, military, manufacturing, counseling, teaching, photography, broadcasting, and being a chiropractor. Thank you to all of the speakers who helped our students learn about these amazing careers!

Reminder: School will dismiss at 12:01 on Friday, February 14, for a teacher in-service. The schools will be closed on Monday, February 17, in observance of Presidents' Day.

Cumberland Middle School will hold its cheerleading and boys basketball awards on Thursday, February 13, at 3:30 PM in the grade school cafeteria.

Congratulations to the February Raiders of the Month! These students were chosen based on being prepared for class, following expectations, and having exemplary behavior. Thank you for being respectful, responsible, and reliable Raiders!