We had a couple of visitors around the campus this afternoon to surprise the students as they left for the holiday break!
3 months ago, Amy Carr
Santa, the Grinch, and Elsa visiting Cumberland!
Santa, the Grinch, and Elsa visiting Cumberland!
The middle school students played Reindeer Games this afternoon! The students qualified for the games by having good grades and behavior in the second quarter.
3 months ago, Amy Carr
Student knocking down cups with air from a balloon.
Students moving M&Ms with a straw.
Student using a spatula to move bows.
Student knocking out the cups.
Students moving "snowballs" with their "hooves."
Student shoveling "snowballs" from one place to another.
Student throwing a ping pong ball into a tin can.
Students racing with their teacher.
Students racing with their teacher.
The 7th grade students took a field trip today to watch the Peoria Rivermen hockey team take on the Evansville Thunderbolts!
3 months ago, Amy Carr
Students watching a hockey game.
The hockey game.
Students watching a hockey game.
Students watching a hockey game.
Two students with the mascot.
The Zamboni.
The 8th grade students presented their Christmas around the World projects last night. Each group researched the traditions of their country, created a display board, and presented their information. They also had several foods from the countries for visitors to sample!
3 months ago, Amy Carr
Students in front of their display boards.
Several display boards.
Student in front of his display boards.
Several display boards.
Students in front of their display boards.
A table with the foods from around the world for guests to sample.
Mrs. Hall’s math classes built slingshot marshmallow launchers to use in a variety of math stations. At the stations, the students worked with measurement, number comparisons, building geometrical shapes, and math facts!
3 months ago, Amy Carr
Student showing a marshmallow.
Student shooting a marshmallow.
Student creating geometric figure.
Student shooting a marshmallow.
Student shooting a marshmallow.
Student shooting a marshmallow.
Student shooting a marshmallow.
Student shooting a marshmallow.
On Wednesday, Dec. 18, the Red Cross will host a blood drive at Cumberland Elementary and Middle School from 2:30 PM - 6:30 PM. Participants will receive a long sleeved t-shirt! For an appointment, call 1-800--RED CROSS or visit RedCrossBlood.org.
3 months ago, Amy Carr
Red Cross Blood Drive Poster
Early dismissal reminder for next week: School will dismiss at 2 PM on Thursday, Dec. 19, and Friday, Dec. 20. There is no school from December 21 - January 3 for the holiday break.
3 months ago, Amy Carr
Image of the upcoming schedule mentioned in the post.
The middle school basketball team held its awards night recently. Congratulations to the 2024 award winners and to all of the girls for a great season!
3 months ago, Amy Carr
Four students holding their basketball plaques.
Four students holding their basketball certificates.
Next week, Cumberland Elementary and Middle School is hosting a holiday spirit week! These are optional activities. Monday- Candy Cane Lane (wear red and white) Tuesday- Tinsel Toes & Tree Toppers (holiday socks and headwear) Wednesday- Deck the Halls (festive accessories) Thursday- Ugly Sweater/Shirt Friday- Long Winter's Nap (PJs)
3 months ago, Amy Carr
Poster of the events.
The middle school girls basketball awards will be held on Monday, Dec. 9, at 5 PM in the grade school cafeteria.
3 months ago, Amy Carr
Congratulations to the December Raiders of the Month! These students were chosen based on being prepared for class, following expectations, and having exemplary behavior. Thank you for being respectful, responsible, and reliable Raiders!
3 months ago, Amy Carr
Cumberland is hosting a blood drive on Wednesday, December 18, from 2:30-6:30 in the grade school cafeteria. You can register online at RedCrossBlood.org.
3 months ago, Amy Carr
Red Cross Blood Drive Poster
Please make note of this change of the main entree on the elementary and middle school menu. December 4: Goulash December 12: Lasagna Rolls
3 months ago, Amy Carr
Are you ready for some holiday music? The Cumberland music department can help you out! They have concerts scheduled on the following dates: 12/8 - 2 PM in the HS Gym: High School Winter Band and Choir Concert 12/9 - 6:30 PM in the MS Gym: 3rd Grade Concert 12/12 - 7 PM in the MS Gym: Middle School Band and Choir Concert 12/16 - 6 PM in the MS Gym: 1st Grade Concert 12/16 - 7:15 in the MS Gym: 4th Grade Concert
3 months ago, Amy Carr
Sign that says Upcoming Holiday Concerts
The middle school students had the chance to participate in the Friendsgiving reading challenge. They and a friend could choose to read the same book and complete a book review. Those who completed this were invited to breakfast in the library this morning!
3 months ago, Amy Carr
The 5th graders completed a math quest called Terrible Turkey Takeover! In the quest they reviewed multiplication, division, Venn diagrams, and map skills! Their foal was to save the residents of Manhattan from turning into turkeys under control of the evil warlock, Waldo! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
3 months ago, Amy Carr
Students who completed the Terrible Turkey Takeover.
Mr. Walk's 7th grade math students each sorted a small bag of M&Ms, graphed the total number of pieces for each color, and then found the mean, median, and mode for the M&Ms this week!
3 months ago, Amy Carr
Students sorting the packet of M&Ms.
Students sorting the packet of M&Ms.
Students sorting the packet of M&Ms.
Students sorting the packet of M&Ms.
Students sorting the packet of M&Ms.
Students sorting the packet of M&Ms.
Students sorting the packet of M&Ms.
Students sorting the packet of M&Ms.
The fifth grade science classes started an experiment today to see what will happen when baking soda and vinegar are mixed. They are also testing what will happen when a dirty penny is placed in the mixture overnight.
3 months ago, Amy Carr
Students mixing baking soda and vinegar.
Students mixing baking soda and vinegar.
Students mixing baking soda and vinegar.
Students mixing baking soda and vinegar.
Students mixing baking soda and vinegar.
Students mixing baking soda and vinegar.
Students mixing baking soda and vinegar.
Students mixing baking soda and vinegar.
Students mixing baking soda and vinegar.
Happy National Substitute Teacher Day! We are thankful for all of our substitute teachers who fill in when our staff is away. Their dedication, flexibility, and hard work is greatly appreciated!
3 months ago, Amy Carr
Substitute Teacher Appreciation Day sticker.
Join our team! Cumberland Unit #77 is hiring for the following positions. Please share with those who may be interested. Cumberland District: 3 Special Education teachers with LBS1 Send credentials to Christine Mock, special education director, at cmock@cusd77.org Cumberland Elementary: Elementary Teacher Send credentials to Daniel Huffman, principal, at dhuffman@cusd77.org Cumberland Middle School: Math Teacher Head Girls Track Coach Send credentials to Stacy Keyser, principal, at skeyser@cusd77.org Cumberland High School: Spanish Teacher Certified Athletic Trainer Send credentials to Kevin Maynard, principal, at kmaynard@cusd77.org
3 months ago, Amy Carr
District  job listing
Elementary School job listing
Middle School job listing
High School job listing