The middle school Student Athletic Leadership Team met this week. They discussed handling mistakes and how to respond. Mistakes are part of life and are how we grow.
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Cumberland Middle School 7th and 8th grade boys basketball practice will begin on Monday, October 17 from 3:30-5:30 pm in the new gym. Athletes must have a current physical on file with the school nurse prior to being allowed to practice. A player/parent meeting will be held at 5:30 pm in the cafeteria following this first practice so Coach Wolke and Coach Venatta can outline expectations for the season. Paperwork will need to be completed by a parent/guardian at this meeting, also. Questions can be directed to Mrs. Keyser, CMS principal and athletic director at
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Mrs. Walsh's 7th grade reading class participated in an Outsiders themed, online escape room. As a group, the students cracked the codes to try to escape.
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
escape room
escape room
Parent-Teacher Conferences are next week! Conferences will be held on Tuesday and Thursday from 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM. For Elementary and Middle School appointments, contact your child’s teacher. For High School appointments, contact the office at (217)923-3132.
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Parent-Teacher Conferences
This week, the middle school PE students have been learning about the game of soccer. In today's activity, students dribbled the soccer ball between cones and worked on moves to advance the ball without using their hands.
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Meyer Twins Art will be back at Cumberland Elementary and Middle School on Wednesday, October 26 from 3:15-5:00 PM. They have four projects to choose from. Sign up on the attached form. In order to ensure a spot, payment must be returned by Monday, October 24.
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Meyer Twins Art
Meyer Twins Art
Meyer Twins Art
Meyer Twins Art
Inter-State Studio will be at the schools again on Thursday, 10/13, for picture make-ups and retakes.
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Picture day
The 7th - 8th grade ECO team placed 2nd today at Shelbyville. Congratulations!
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Eco Team
Eco Team
There is no school on Friday, 10/7, due to a Teachers' Institute day, and no school on Monday, 10/10, in observance of Columbus Day.
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
no school
The middle school cross country team competed at the LEIC meet this week. Cameron Roedl placed 1st and Aiden Vaughn placed 6th. All of the runners on the team have acheived PRs throughout the season. Good luck at sectionals this weekend!
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Cumberland Middle School will host the end of season softball awards on Thursday, October 13 from 4-4:30 pm in the grade school cafeteria. The team is encouraged to stay after school in Mrs. Gilbert's classroom unitil the parents/family members join them at 4 pm. Parents and athletes should check the team Band app for information about uniform return and other details regarding this event.
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Sixth graders in Mrs. McElravy's science classes explored microscopes today. The students learned how to focus the microscope lenses in order to see yarn fibers and small letters from the newspaper.
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
The following students have been selected as October Raiders of the Month for Cumberland Elementary and Middle School. These students are excellent examples in our school! Congratulations, and keep up the good work!
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Raiders of the Month
Cumberland Middle School 7th and 8th grade boys basketball will officially begin on Monday, October 17 from 3:30-5:30 pm. A parent/player meeting will follow immediately after this first practice in the cafeteria. Athletes MUST have a physical on file with the school nurse prior to the beginning of practice. If your child has already participated in another school affiliated sport, his physical is on file. If he has participated in a non-school affiliated sport such as youth football, he needs to provide a copy of the completed physical to the nurse prior to the start of practice. Questions can be directed to Mrs. Stacy Keyser, Cumberland Middle School Principal and Athletic Director at or 217-923-3132 extension 1200. Coaches Zach Wolke and Jacob Venatta will give out other contact information at the parent/player meeting.
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
At the Robinson Invitational yesterday, Cameron Roedl placed first and Aiden Vaughn placed 13th. Congratulations boys!
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Robinson Invite
Mrs. Walsh's 7th graders have been working on vocabulary in Flex. Recently, they played Headbandz and Taboo to review thier vocabulary skills.
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Cumberland Middle School will be holding 5th grade band signups on Tuesday, October 18 from 3:30-6:30 pm in the band room. If your child is interested in participating in 5th grade band, please contact Mr. Blake Ozier at or attend signups on October 18. The students have been meeting with Mr. Ozier to learn about the instruments, and will get to see the high school band in action on Tuesday, October 18 during the school day.
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Mrs. Dryden's 6th graders are working on descriptive writing this week. They started by drawing a monster. Then, they will write a very descriptive paragraph of the monster. Their goal is that the paragraph they write is so detailed that another person could draw something similar to the original picture.
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
monster drawing
monster drawing
monster drawing
monster drawing
To reinforce translations, rotations, and reflections, Mr. Walk's 7th grade math class created tetrominoes. Then, the students played a game to see if they could fill in a square or rectangle with no gaps. Some of you may recognize this game as Tetris!
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Yesterday was midterm for the first quarter at the elementary and middle schools. It was also the first grade checkpoint for the semester at the high school. Please login to TeacherEase to view your child's current grades.
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr