Cumberland Middle School will participate in the IESA Class 2A scholastic bowl regionals on Wednesday, April 24, at 4 PM at Mattoon Middle School in the Band Room and Commons. Their first opponent will be Teutopolis at 4 PM. Their second opponent will be Mattoon at 5 PM. They will have a bye in the third round, and the fourth round of play will be determined by wins in the previous rounds. Good luck, Raiders!
11 months ago, Amy Carr
Cumberland 8th Grade Shirts are on sale now until April 22. The shirts are $18 each and checks may be made to Cumberland Middle School.
11 months ago, Amy Carr
8th Grade Shirts
Cumberland will be celebrating National Library Week this week. Mrs. Walk has a lot of fun activities planned for the students!
11 months ago, Amy Carr
National Library Week
The Middle School students attended the second half of “soft skills” presentations today. Students went to sessions about: *Changing a tire *Checking the oil *Writing checks, making deposits, and calculating account balances *Making a first impression *Hygiene reminders *Writing and mailing a thank you card *Measuring food to create a treat *Basic housekeeping skills *Table etiquette *Ordering from a menu, paying, and adding a tip *Measuring in inches, feet, and metric *Filing out a job application We appreciate all of our volunteers for helping our students develop these skills! They include Roy Warner, Kenny Keyser, Samantha Strohl, Heather McElravy, Misty Freeman, Jessica Hougham, Donnelle Darling, Jeff Schrock, Megan Dittamore, Karen Swim, and all of the staff who presented and helped in the sessions.
11 months ago, Amy Carr
Soft Skills Session 2
Soft Skills Session 2
Soft Skills Session 2
Soft Skills Session 2
Soft Skills Session 2
Soft Skills Session 2
Soft Skills Session 2
Soft Skills Session 2
Soft Skills Session 2
Soft Skills Session 2
Here is the up-to-date school calendar for the remainder of the school year including any emergency day changes. If you have any questions, please contact the school office. Friday, April 26 - School In Session Friday, May 3 - Built In Emergency Day- No School Friday, May 10 - Built In Emergency Day- No School Friday, May 17 - HS Semester Exams – 2:20 Dismissal Monday, May 20 - HS Semester Exams – 2:20 Dismissal (Last day of School) These and all other events, including graduations and concerts, can be found on the District webpage at
11 months ago, Amy Carr
Reminder: School will dismiss at 12:15 on Friday, April 12, for a teacher in-service.
11 months ago, Amy Carr
Reminder: Friday, April 12, 12:15 Dismissal
On Saturday, April 13, the middle school (varsity only) will travel to Lawrenceville for the LEIC scholastic bowl tournament. The first match will be at 10 AM. This is a single-elimination tournament.
11 months ago, Amy Carr
Scholastic Bowl Bracket
HS Fine Arts Night (Band and Choir concert - Art and Industrial Art displays) Tuesday, May 7 7:00 PM High School Gym and Cafeteria Music students report at 6:30 PM. MS Band and Choir Concert Thursday, May 9 7:00 PM New Gym Music students report at 6:30 PM. Kindergarten Musical "Bunnies" Monday, May 13 6:15 PM New Gym Students report to the cafeteria at 6:00 PM. 2nd Grade Musical "It's a Hit!" Monday, May 13 7:00 PM New Gym Students report to the cafeteria at 6:45 PM.
11 months ago, Amy Carr
Upcoming Music Concerts
The CHS Lady Pirates are hosting a basketball camp May 22-24. Girls in grades 1-8 for the 2024-25 school year are invited to attend. All schools are welcome. The cost of the camp is $40, and this includes a camp t-shirt. To guarantee a t-shirt, money must be turned in to the school by May 10. Use this link to register for the camp: Forms will also be sent home this week.
11 months ago, Amy Carr
Lady Pirates Basketball Camp
The middle school track meet today (4/4) at Jasper Co. has been canceled. There will be no track practice after school.
11 months ago, Amy Carr
Students in the district will receive eclipse glasses to use at home on Monday, April 8. Here is some information about the eclipse and viewing it safely.
11 months ago, Amy Carr
Eclipse information
Reminder: There is no school on Monday, April 8.
11 months ago, Amy Carr
No school on Monday, April 8.
Congratulations to our April Raiders of the Month! Great job being Respectful, Responsible, and Reliable. Keep up the great work being exemplary students in our school!
11 months ago, Amy Carr
Raiders of the Month
Looking ahead? Here is a preview of next year's school calendar.
11 months ago, Amy Carr
The Cumberland Middle School scholastic bowl match scheduled for Thursday, April 4, at Mattoon, has been canceled. It will not be rescheduled.
11 months ago, Amy Carr
Update: The middle school track meet on Tuesday, April 2, at Casey, will begin at 4:15 PM.
11 months ago, Amy Carr
58 Cumberland Middle School band and choir students traveled to Marshall Jr. High to perform at the IESA Solo & Ensemble Contest this past Saturday. Of the 39 events, Cumberland students achieved Division 1 ratings on all but one event. Three of the events were awarded "Best of Day," by the judges in each category. They are: 5th/6th Grade Vocal Choir performed by Lillian Beckman, Chlora Bergbower, Lily Browning, Ivy Brummer, Amelia Colnar, Alissondra Cowger, Yvaine Devall, Olivia Justice, Katie Martin, Shelby Nichols, Chloe Roedl, Audrey Schade, Charlotte Vahling, Aubrey Weaver, & Paige Wolke Vocal Solo performed by Alyssa Yocum Flute Solo performed by Addison Johnson
11 months ago, Amy Carr
The middle school students went bowling this week as an incentive trip. To qualify for the trip, the students needed good behavior, good grades, and no missing assignments or zeros in the third quarter. Great work students!
11 months ago, Amy Carr
These middle school students had perfect attendance for the 3rd quarter! Way to go, kids!!
12 months ago, Amy Carr
perfect attendance
The Cumberland Middle School track meet has been canceled for Tuesday, March 26. There will be no track practice this afternoon either. The students have been instructed to contact their parents/guardians to confirm after-school plans for today.
12 months ago, Amy Carr