Reminder: School will dismiss at 2:20 on Wednesday, March 27. Easter Break is from March 28 - April 1. School resumes on April 2.
12 months ago, Amy Carr
Easter Break
Cumberland Middle School Track Meet Addition: Last week's canceled meet at Jasper County has been rescheduled for Thursday, April 4, at 4:30 PM in Newton.
12 months ago, Amy Carr
Here is a great opportunity to join our team! Cumberland Elementary and Middle School has an opening for a school secretary. Applicants should send their credentials to Stacy Keyser at Applications are due by April 9, 2024, at noon. Please share with those who may be interested!
12 months ago, Amy Carr
School Secretary
Cumberland Middle School will hold its 8th grade recognition ceremony at 6 PM on Wednesday, May 15. The 8th grade dance will follow immediately after the ceremony until 9 PM in the old gym. May 15 will be the last day of attendance for the 8th grade students for the 2023-2024 school year.
12 months ago, Amy Carr
The middle school track meet for today (3/21) has been canceled. There will be no middle school track practice today, as well.
12 months ago, Amy Carr
Cumberland Middle School will hold its volleyball awards on Monday, March 25, at 5:00 PM in the grade school cafeteria.
12 months ago, Amy Carr
Mrs. Gilbert's class is studying how sound waves travel through different materials. Today, the students made cup phones to test how well the sound waves traveled!!
12 months ago, Amy Carr
Sound Waves
Sound Waves
Sound Waves
Sound Waves
Sound Waves
Sound Waves
The Middle School students participated in several “soft skills” presentations today. Some of the skills that the students learned about and practiced were: *Changing a tire *Checking the oil *Writing checks, making deposits, and calculating account balances *Making a first impression *Hygiene reminders *Writing and mailing a thank you card *Measuring food to create a treat *Basic housekeeping skills *Table etiquette *Ordering from a menu, paying, and adding a tip *Measuring in inches, feet, and metric. Thank you to the following people for helping our students develop these skills: Lloyd Mock, Kenny Keyser, Samantha Strohl, Meggan Brassard, Misty Freeman, Jessica Hougham, Donnelle Darling, Jeff Schrock, Megan Dittamore, Karen Swim, and all of the staff that presented and helped in the sessions.
12 months ago, Amy Carr
Soft Skills
Soft Skills
Soft Skills
Soft Skills
Soft Skills
Soft Skills
Soft Skills
Soft Skills
Soft Skills
Soft Skills
Here is the up-to-date school calendar for the remainder of the school year including any emergency day changes. If you have any questions, please contact the school office. Monday, March 11 Begin 4th Quarter Wednesday, March 27 2:20 Dismissal for Easter Holiday Tuesday, April 2 School Resumes Monday, April 8 Built In Emergency Day- No School (Eclipse Day) Friday, April 12 Half Day In-Service – 12:20 Dismissal Friday, May 3 Built In Emergency Day- No School Friday, May 10 Built In Emergency Day- No School Friday, May 17 HS Semester Exams – 2:20 Dismissal Monday, May 20 HS Semester Exams – 2:20 Dismissal
12 months ago, Amy Carr
Calendar Update
Mrs. Gilbert's 7th grade students have been busy creating a solar system mural to scale as part of their Space Unit. It looks great!
12 months ago, Amy Carr
Solar System
Students from the region were recognized at the Illinois Principal's Association reception last night. Cumberland's IPA Student Recipients for 2023-24 are Eden Fitch, Adam Flessner, Denton Nebel, Jr., Faith Brown, Jude Miller, and Cody Farris (not pictured). Congratulations students!
12 months ago, Amy Carr
IPA Recognition
Reminder: There is a 12:15 PM dismissal on Friday, March 8, for a teacher in-service.
12 months ago, Amy Carr
12:15 Dismissal
Be sure to get your tickets to Shrek the Musical, Jr. for one of the upcoming shows! You won’t want to miss it!! Tickets may be purchased at the school offices. Show times: Friday, March 8 at 7 PM Saturday, March 9 at 7 PM Sunday, March 10 at 2 PM
about 1 year ago, Amy Carr
Mrs. D. McElravy’s science class is learning about the nervous system. The students figured out how their reaction time is affected when they are paying attention and when they are distracted.
about 1 year ago, Amy Carr
Nervous System
Nervous System
Nervous System
Nervous System
Nervous System
Cumberland Elementary and Middle School will be celebrating Read Across America next week. Mrs. Walk, our District Librarian, has several activities planned for the students including the dress-up days listed below!
about 1 year ago, Amy Carr
Read Across America
The Cumberland Middle School volleyball team will play Marshall Junior High in the Regional on Saturday, March 2, at 10 AM at Teutopolis Junior High School. If they win that game, they will play Teutopolis on Tuesday, March 5, at 6 PM. Good luck to our Lady Raiders!
about 1 year ago, Amy Carr
The Middle School Kindness Ambassadors visited the preschool rooms Friday to share a story.
about 1 year ago, Amy Carr
Kindness Ambassadors
Kindness Ambassadors
What’s for lunch today? Our schools have three online options to view the lunch menu. From the district webpage, choose the school, click Explore, and then click Dining. The menus are also found on our apps, Cumberland CUSD #77, IL and TeacherEase-Parents/Students. Both can be found in your phone’s app store.
about 1 year ago, Amy Carr
Cumberland Middle School track practice will begin on Monday, March 4, for any 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students interested in participating. A current school physical MUST be on file prior to students being allowed to participate. Packets of information were distributed to students on Monday, February 26. If your child did not receive one, please contact Mr. Watkins at or Ms. Cox at
about 1 year ago, Amy Carr
The Cumberland Middle School 7th grade volleyball team will enter regional play on Saturday, February 24, at 10:45 AM against Teutopolis Junior High School. The game will be played at Nuttall Middle School in Robinson. Good luck, Lady Raiders!
about 1 year ago, Amy Carr