Many students in the district enjoyed visiting the petting zoo today! The petting zoo was sponsored by the Cumberland FFA.
about 1 year ago, Amy Carr
Petting Zoo
Petting Zoo
Petting Zoo
Petting Zoo
Petting Zoo
Petting Zoo
Petting Zoo
Petting Zoo
Petting Zoo
Petting Zoo
Due to the weather conditions, the 8th grade LEIC volleyball tournament at Martinsville on Saturday, February 17, has been canceled. The tournament will not be rescheduled.
about 1 year ago, Amy Carr
Freshmen Orientation for the current 8th graders is scheduled for Wednesday, February 21, at 6:00 PM in the high school cafeteria.
about 1 year ago, Amy Carr
Reminder: There is no school on Monday, 2/19, in honor of Presidents' Day.
about 1 year ago, Amy Carr
Presidents' Day
Blake Sponsel, a Civil War reenactor, visited with the 5th grade today as part of their Civil War unit in Social Studies. He brought several artifacts for the students to see. The students enjoyed learning what the Civil War was like from Mr. Sponsel!
about 1 year ago, Amy Carr
Civil War
Civil War
Civil War
Civil War
Civil War
Civil War
Civil War
Civil War
Civil War
Civil War
The Cumberland Middle School 8th grade volleyball team will enter LEIC tournament play on Friday, February 16, with a game time of 5:30 PM. The tournament will be held at Martinsville. If they win this game, they will play again on Saturday, February 17, at 11 AM.
about 1 year ago, Amy Carr
The Cumberland Middle School boys basketball team and basketball cheer awards will be on Tuesday, February 20, in the grade/middle school cafeteria. The awards will begin at 5 PM.
about 1 year ago, Amy Carr
The Cumberland County Broadband Committee is hosting a public meeting on Thursday, February 15, 2024, at 5:30 PM at the Cumberland County Life Center Building, 507 E Main Street, Toledo, Illinois. The committee has developed a survey to demonstrate the overall need for reliable and affordable broadband. This meeting will help residents better understand the committee’s mission and goals and explain how you can help encourage participation in the survey and the BEAD challenge. Contact for more information.
about 1 year ago, Amy Carr
Today during Career Day, Cumberland Middle School students got a glimpse of what some careers are like. Students picked careers they were interested in and attended sessions to receive firsthand information from experts in each field. It was a very positive experience for the students and the presenters! Thank you to all of our guest presenters today! Kelly Cox, Automotive Mechanics Sarah Livesay & Jacob Atkinson, Environmental Biology Chad Miller, Evapco Manufacturing Erica Beals, Childcare Amanda Gunter, Medical Nurse, RN Amy Pfeiffer, Microbiology Dion Buzzard, LLC Engineering and Robotics Dustin Salmons, 1st Class Wrecker Erin Gahimer, LLC Dental Hygiene Loyd Mock & Dreyton Ruholl, Law Enforcement Tom McGinnis, Peter Koester, Sawyer Keyser, & Josh McElravy, Trades Jeff Hilligoss & Josh Welling, Paramedic and Firefighter Justin Holsapple & Brian Stierwalt, Agriculture Doug McDevitt, Pilot - Effingham Co. Airport Lane Blickem, WMCI media broadcasting Jeff Schrock, CEO, Business, Woodworking Sarah Holsapple-Miller, Lawyer Blake Ozier, Military
about 1 year ago, Amy Carr
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Reminder: Cumberland schools will dismiss at 12:15 on Friday, February 9, for a teacher in-service.
about 1 year ago, Amy Carr
12:15 Dismissal
Mrs. Walk, the District librarian, took a group of middle school students to Barnes and Noble to pick out new books for the school library last week. The students came back with a nice collection of books that the students will enjoy!
about 1 year ago, Amy Carr
Congratulations to our February Raiders of the Month! Great job being Respectful, Responsible, and Reliable. Keep up the great work being exemplary students in our school!
about 1 year ago, Amy Carr
The Cumberland 7th grade girls' volleyball team will enter LEIC tournament play on Friday, February 9, at 4:30 PM at Martinsville. If the team wins on Friday, they will play again at 9 AM on Saturday, February 10. This is a single-elimination tournament. If they continue to win on Saturday, games will be played throughout the day. Admissions for Friday's games will be $3.00 for adults and $2.00 for students. Admissions for Saturday's games will be $6.00 for adults and $4.00 for students regardless of whether your team only plays one game or multiple games. Go Lady Raiders!
about 1 year ago, Amy Carr
The Middle School Kindness Ambassadors read to kindergarten and 1st grade classes this week. They read books about friendship and kindness and discussed different ways to show kindness.
about 1 year ago, Amy Carr
Kindness Ambassadors
Kindness Ambassadors
Kindness Ambassadors
Kindness Ambassadors
We have new opportunities for you to join our team! Share with those who may be interested!
about 1 year ago, Amy Carr
Cumberland Middle School has rescheduled the volleyball game with Neoga that was canceled due to weather for Monday, February 5. There will be C minutes beginning at 3:45 PM, and the 7th grade contest beginning at 4:30 PM.
about 1 year ago, Amy Carr
Any 8th-11th grade student interested in participating in high school cheerleading for the 2024-2025 season needs to sign up in the school office and get an interest form. The forms need to be filled out and turned back into the office by Friday, 1/26, at 2 PM.
about 1 year ago, Amy Carr
Cumberland CUSD #77 will be closed tomorrow, Monday, January 22, 2024 due to the forcasted inclement weather.
about 1 year ago, Amy Carr
The CMS Student Council is hosting a blood drive on January 22 from 2-6 PM. Support a great cause and get automatically entered for a chance to win tickets to the Super Bowl!
about 1 year ago, Amy Carr
Red Cross Blood Drive
Middle school boys' basketball practice has been canceled for this afternoon. (1/12/24)
about 1 year ago, Amy Carr