The middle school boys' basketball game tonight (11/9) vs. Marshall has been canceled. It will be rescheduled at a later date.
All practices in the District have been canceled for Thursday and Friday.

Due to circumstances beyond our control, school will be canceled tomorrow, November 10. The Veteran’s Day program is also canceled. Please note that school safety is not an issue. More information will be released later.

The Cumberland Middle School 7th grade boys basketball team will be adding a game to their 2023-2024 schedule. This game will be part of the St. Elmo Shootout on Saturday, December 9, at 10:45 AM. The game will be played at St. Elmo High School against St. Elmo-Brownstown.

Cumberland schools will dismiss at 12:15 on Friday, November 10.

The sixth graders in Mrs. D. McElravy’s social studies class have been studying about Egypt and the pyramids. Today, they completed a STEM project to build the tallest pyramid out of toothpicks, marshmallows, and glue!

Congratulations to our November Raiders of the Month! Great job being Respectful, Responsible, and Reliable. Keep up the great work being exemplary students in our school!

Many Cumberland musicians submitted video auditions for the annual ILMEA (Illinois Music Educators Association) District 5 music festivals that will take place at Eastern Illinois University in November. These students will prepare several selections and perform concerts with other top musicians in this region of the state. Representing Cumberland Middle School band and choir are Addison Johnson, Chase Burns, Cameron Coleman, Cody Farris, Amber Lewis, Ethan Matthew, Konnor McKelvey, Shelby Nichols, Chloe Roedl, and Alyssa Yocum. Students who will represent Cumberland High School are Austin Becker, Austin Carlen, Maddy Cutright, Gwen Dunn, Ani Edwards, Stevi Nichols, Rachel Starwalt, and Lauren Stevens. Congratulations!

The Middle School Kindness Ambassadors, with the help of the student body, created a Kindness Chain. They wanted to fill the halls with kindness and hopefully start a chain reaction. "People never know how far a little kindness can go." -Rachel Joy Scott.

On Tuesday, October 31, the 8th grade girls' basketball players and their parents will be honored between games. Parents of players should arrive by 7:00 PM.

Reminder: There will be no school on Friday, October 20.

Family Engagement Night is happening tonight and Thursday during Parent-Teacher Conferences. We hope to see you there!

At the IESA State Cross Country meet this weekend, Aydan placed 30th and Gavin placed 44th in a race that had about 230 runners! Congratulations to the entire team on a great season!

The middle school held a pep rally today to show their support as the cross country team headed off to the State meet. Fire trucks escorted the team out of town in style!

Mr. Ozier will have 5th grade band sign-ups next Tuesday, October 17, from 3:15-6:30 PM. Please contact him if you are unable to attend but would like to join band.

The Book Fair is coming!

Retake Picture Day is 10/18/2023! If you're satisfied with your child's picture, no further action is required.
If you purchased and were unhappy with your Picture Package, please send your Picture Package to school with your student on Retake Day. Your Retake Picture Package will be produced and shipped to the school four weeks after Retake Day.
Students who were absent for Picture Day should come to school prepared to have their picture taken. If you have not preordered, please use the Retake Order Code to place your order at https://inter-state.com/Order. The Elementary School code is 81087FF, the Middle School code is 80095KF, and the High School code is 80112H.

The Cumberland Lady Raiders basketball team will travel to Neoga tonight for the Cancer Awareness Game with the 7th grade game beginning at 6 PM. The 8th grade game will follow. Attendees are encouraged to wear pink to show support for those who have been affected by cancer.

It has been an eggs-citing day in 5th grade! Mrs. Ralsten’s students have been incubating eggs, and the chickens have begun to hatch! So far, six have hatched but more are on the way. https://youtu.be/LXq_tG0AkFU

Join us next week at the elementary/middle school for fun-filled Family Engagement nights of FREE haircuts, nail painting, spooky treats, games, and a Scholastic book fair. On October 17-19, during Parent-Teacher Conferences from 4-6:30 PM, there will be a variety of activities for the family. Childcare is available for school-aged students during conferences.

Parent-Teacher Conferences are set for next week Tuesday, 10/17, and Thursday, 10/19 from 4:00 to 6:30 PM! Contact your child's teacher(s) to set up an appointment.