Picture Day is scheduled for Friday, August 18! Students will receive order forms next week, or you can order online at https://inter-state.com/. The order codes for each school are: Cumberland Elementary - 80095G Cumberland Middle School - 80095P Cumberland High School - 80112M
over 1 year ago, Amy Carr
Picture Day
The CMS Cross Country team is just getting started with their season. It’s not too late to join the team. Please send an email to Monica Carl, mcarl@cumberland.k12.il.us, if your student is interested, mcarl@cumberland.k12.il.us. The team store is open until August 8! https://cumberlandmiddleschoolcrosscountryapparel2023.itemorder.com/shop/category/129152/
over 1 year ago, Amy Carr
Online Registration ends Friday, August 4. Please log in to TeacherEase at https://www.teacherease.com/ to register. If you need assistance with registration, please reach out to the school office at (217) 923-3132. All downloadable forms can be found at https://www.cumberland.k12.il.us/page/registration-information.
over 1 year ago, Amy Carr
The phone lines at the schools and district office are currently down. We apologize for any inconvenience.
over 1 year ago, Amy Carr
phone lines are down
Online Registration opens today! Online Registration is open from July 25 - August 4. Access Online Registration through the TeacherEase app or at teacherease.com. If you have forgotten your email address for TeacherEase, please contact the school office at 217-923-3132. New families to the district and those needing in-person assistance can call 217-923-3132 to make an appointment to register. Forms, supply lists, school calendars, and more can be found on the district website at www.cumberland.k12.il.us/page/registration-information.
over 1 year ago, Amy Carr
Online registration starts today!
Become a substitute teacher! Contact 217-348-0151 for more information.
over 1 year ago, Amy Carr
Subs for Subs
Cumberland Middle School will host 5th grade orientation on Wednesday, August 9 from 6-7 pm. Parents/guardians and their 5th grader will receive important information from their teachers and can ask questions about their new educational adventure in the middle school. This is an optional event. It is strongly encouraged to find supervision for any children other than your 5th grader as space will be limited in the classrooms during this time. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Stacy Keyser, principal, at skeyser@cumberland.k12.il.us. We look forward to welcoming our newest middle school students into our Raider family!
over 1 year ago, Amy Carr
If you are looking for Back to School information, visit our Registration page on the school website. There you will find: **Important Registration Dates and Information **2023-2024 School Calendar **Medical Requirements for each grade **School Supply Lists **Medical and Physical Forms **Free and Reduced Lunch Application **and More! https://www.cumberland.k12.il.us/page/registration-information
over 1 year ago, Amy Carr
The Cumberland Middle School softball team has an online apparel store. This store is set to close on Thursday, July 20. Completed orders will be distributed around the beginning of August. Order here: https://cumberlandmiddleschoolsoftball23.itemorder.com/shop/home/
over 1 year ago, Amy Carr
Online registration will be open from July 25 - August 4. Since we are still setting up the next school year, TeacherEase may be closed until July 25. If you use the app, please update it before registration opens. Due to construction, in-person registration will be by appointment only. New families to the district will also need to set up an appointment by calling (217) 923-3132.
over 1 year ago, Amy Carr
Online registration opens July 25.
Any student entering 6th, 7th, or 8th grade this fall, is invited to participate in cross country, baseball, and/or softball this fall at Cumberland Middle School. Player/parent meetings for these teams are as follows: Softball: Monday, July 10 at 6 pm at First Neighbor Bank Training Center (on the curve in Toledo across from Dollar General) Baseball: Tuesday, July 11 at 6 pm at the Toledo Christian Church (501 S. Maryland St.) Cross Country: Monday, July 17 at 6 pm at the Toledo Neal Park Res All athletes MUST have a current physical on file prior to the start of practice. If you cannot attend these meetings, please contact Mrs. Keyser at skeyser@cusd77.org for contact information for the appropriate team's coach.
over 1 year ago, Amy Carr
Happy 4th of July!
over 1 year ago, Amy Carr
4th of July
Cumberland Middle School softball will have a parent/player meeting on Monday, July 10 at 6 PM at the First Neighbor Bank Training Center in Toledo across from the Dollar General. If you cannot attend this meeting, please contact head coach, Kendra Heinbaugh at kheinbaugh_12@hotmail.com or athletic director, Stacy Keyser, at skeyser@cusd77.org.
over 1 year ago, Amy Carr
There will be a Cumberland Middle School boys baseball informational meeting on Tuesday, July 11, at 6 PM at the Toledo Christian Church. Interested players and parents should attempt to attend. If you cannot be at the meeting, please email coach Brandon Miller at bmiller@cumberland.k12.il.us prior to the meeting.
over 1 year ago, Amy Carr
There is one more opportunity for school or sports physicals at the Toledo Clinic on July 12 from 3-6 PM. Be sure to call for an appointment.
over 1 year ago, Amy Carr
We are hiring! Visit the district's website link below to learn more. https://www.cumberland.k12.il.us/page/employment-opportunities
over 1 year ago, Amy Carr
We are hiring! Visit the district's website link below to learn more. Spread the word to anyone you know that would be a great fit! https://www.cumberland.k12.il.us/page/employment-opportunities
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
We are Hiring
The first of two school and sports physical dates scheduled at the Toledo Clinic is this Wednesday, June 7 from 3-6 PM. Appointments are required. Please call the clinic for an appointment.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
The Cumberland Backpack Ministry will start Summer Distribution on Monday, June 5, 2023. Bags can be picked up at the Toledo United Methodist Church located at 213 East Madison Street. Pick-up times are 9:30-10:30 a.m. and 5:00-5:30 p.m. on Mondays throughout the summer.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Congratulations to Mrs. Megan Walk, District Librarian! She was named this year's Neal Foundation Teacher of the Year!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Mrs. Walk