Congratulations to Cumberland Middle School's varsity Scholastic Bowl team on their LEIC conference championship! Way to go!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Scholastic bowl team
The fifth grade made a scavenger hunt for the second grade students in Mrs. Beard’s classroom. They hid items all over the school for them to find!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
scavenger hunt
Mrs. Walk took 12 middle school students and two teachers to Barnes & Noble in Champaign, IL to select books for the middle school library. They came away with 114 books! The books were purchased thanks to a very generous donation. They had a wonderful time and are thankful for the donation and the opportunity to go!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Barnes & Nobel
Mrs. Carr taught the 6th-grade science students how to graph data using their Chromebooks. The students are creating graphs to add to their science projects. These will be displayed at Themes Night on May 9 from 4:30-6:30 PM. All are welcome to attend the event that evening.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Graphing Data
Graphing Data
On Thursday, April 20, the elementary school and middle school will begin the ABC Countdown to the Last Day of School. There are some dress-up days planned in the countdown. The calendar shows what is happening each day.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
ABC Countdown to the Last Day of School
Today is the Midterm for the 4th quarter. Log in to TeacherEase to view your child's current grades.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Seventh graders spent some time reading in the courtyard today!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Reading in the courtyard
The high school Art Club is hosting two more after-school art classes this semester. The classes are $20 each. There are only 10 spots left for each session, so sign up soon!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Kids Create Sign up Form
Congratulations to the following students for being chosen by their teachers to be Raiders of the Month! These students show exemplary behavior both inside and outside the classroom by showing respect, responsibility, and reliability. Way to go!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Raiders of the Month
Today is Paraprofessional Appreciation Day! Thank you to all of our paraprofessionals for everything you do for our schools!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Thank you!
Dismissal Dates for the Easter Holiday: April 6 - 2:20 Dismissal April 7-10 - No School
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
April 6 - 2:20 Dismissal; April 7-10 - No School
The 8th grade class attended the Career Conference at Lake Land College today. Students had the opportunity to speak with a variety of professionals about their careers.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Career Day
Today, the middle school Kindness Ambassadors visited Mrs. Wormhoudt's, Mrs. Peter's, Ms. Bueker's, and Mrs. Beard's classes to read a book and discuss the story's lessons. The elementary students were great listeners!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Kindness Ambassadors read to elementary students
Kindness Ambassadors read to elementary students
Kindness Ambassadors read to elementary students
Kindness Ambassadors read to elementary students
Cumberland Middle School will have volleyball awards on Monday, April 3, at 5 PM in the grade school cafeteria.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
During Read Across America week, students were challenged to get as many minutes read as possible. Mrs. Kemper’s class (10,950 min.) and Mrs. Peters’ class (11,556 min.) were the winners in the elementary school. In middle school, Mr. Janssen’s class (8,741 min.) and Mr. Walk’s class (10,851 min.) were winners. Each winning class won a pizza party in the library.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Pizza Party
Pizza Party
Pizza Party
Pizza Party
Pizza Party
Pizza Party
Students are learning about DNA in Mrs.D. McElravy’s 6th grade science class. Yesterday, they extracted DNA from strawberries!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
DNA Extraction
DNA Extraction
DNA Extraction
DNA Extraction
DNA Extraction
Cumberland Middle School will hold 8th Grade Recognition on Thursday, May 25, at 6 PM in the New Gym. The 8th Grade Dance will follow Recognition and will end at 9 PM.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Congratulations to the following students for being chosen by their teachers to be March Raiders of the Month! These students show exemplary behavior both inside and outside the classroom by showing respect, responsibility, and reliability. Way to go!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Raiders of the Month
Megan Walk, District Librarian, was honored today as a 2023 Hometown Hero by the Modern Woodmen of America. She was recognized for her accomplishments and contributions to the community. Congratulations, Mrs. Walk!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Hometown Hero Award
3rd quarter report cards are now available on TeacherEase for the elementary and middle school. To view, login to your account and click the Report Card icon on the left.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Report Cards