Just a reminder that tomorrow, Thursday, May 11, from 3:00 to 4:00, is the last Kids Create: After School Art Program of the year! Students will be painting flower pots and making flowers!

4 - 6:30 Family Engagement Night
Elementary and Middle Schools
Food Trucks, Prizes, Book Fair, and Projects
7:00 Fine Arts Night
High School Gym
Band and Choir Concerts, Industrial Arts and Art Department Displays
We hope to see you there!!

Mark your calendars for school and sports physicals on June 7 and July 12, from 3-6 PM, at the SBL Toledo Clinic. Appointments are required!

This week we celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week! Thank you to all of the amazing teachers at Cumberland CUSD #77 making a difference in the lives of our students!

Next Tuesday, during Family Engagement Night, the Scholastic Book Fair will be open! Family Engagement Night is on Tuesday, May 9, from 4:00-6:30 PM. Students may also purchase books during the week of May 8-12.

Congratulations to the following students chosen by their teachers to be Raiders of the Month! These students show exemplary behavior both inside and outside the classroom by showering respect, responsibility, and reliability. Way to go!

Mrs. Walsh’s 7th grade classes have been studying and writing poetry. They are now creating a poster to showcase their best version of each type of poem.

Both the 7th grade and 8th grade boys' track teams took home first place at the LEIC Conference meet this past Saturday! Congratulations teams!!

Today is National School Principals' Day! Thank you for all you do for our schools, Mr. Huffman, Mrs. Keyser, and Mr. Maynard! Your time and dedication are greatly appreciated!

If you are experiencing financial hardship, complete this form, and qualifying students will receive a free pair of shoes. Shoes will be given to the students at Meet Your Teacher Night or on the first day of school. Please complete this form by May 18, 2023. SHOE TREE is sponsored by Shoe Tree Program, Corp. Rosalyn Gresens, President

G is for Game Day! All of the students in the elementary and middle school had the opportunity to play a fun game today!

Today, the middle school students had a book tasting at “Starbooks” in the library. The students checked out all of the new books that were purchased by their classmates recently. After the book tasting, the students enjoyed a sweet snack!

Cumberland CUSD #77 has an opening for a Speech & Language Pathologist for the 2023-2024 school year. Cumberland offers a competitive salary and benefits. For a complete list of employment opportunities, visit https://www.cumberland.k12.il.us/page/employment-opportunities

Mark your calendars for the annual Family Engagement Night at Cumberland Elementary and Middle School on Tuesday, May 9, from 4:00-6:30 PM. There will be food trucks, student projects, prizes, a book fair, and more! We hope to see you there!

The Cumberland Middle School Scholastic Bowl team are IESA Regional Champions! Congratulations team!

The 5th grade spent the day visiting the William M. Staerkel Planetarium at Parkland College.

Mrs. Dryden’s 6th grade reading classes read with Mrs. McClellan’s and Ms. Williamson’s 1st grade classes today. The students enjoyed reading books with a new friend!

Today is School Secretaries' Day and we have some of the best! Thank you for your dedication to our schools, students, and staff!

The middle school LEIC Track Meet scheduled for Saturday, 4/29, at Newton, has a 10 AM start time. This is different from the original schedule. The bus time is 8:30 AM.

The original School Calendar has been updated. The District used three emergency days this year on 10/28, 1/25, and 2/27. Therefore, there WILL be school on the following Fridays:
Friday, April 28
Friday, May 5
Friday, May 12