Today is National School Resource Officer Day! We appreciate our school resource officers, Dan Kimble and Steve Ozier. Thank you for all you do for our schools!

Students from the middle school are working with Mrs. D. McElravy to renovate the school's courtyard. The group is seeking donations to upgrade and add to the existing features on the site. They would appreciate your help! If you have any questions, email Mrs. McElravy at dmcelravy@cusd77.org. Thank you!
Donations may be sent to:
Cumberland Middle School
℅ DeDe McElravy
1496 IL Rte. 121
Toledo, IL 62468

Reminder: On Friday, 2/10, school will dismiss at 12:15.

Happy National School Counseling Week! We are very lucky to have Sheila Plummer, HS counselor, Stefani Robinson, GS counselor, Ashley Voss, District counselor, and Betsy Ryan, District social worker, in our District. They each play an important role in helping our students, staff, and community. Thank you for all you do!

Lori Starwalt, retired CHS teacher, spoke to the 8th grade classes today about her travels to our national parks. The 8th grade students are researching national parks and this was an excellent opportunity for them to get a first-hand perspective. We appreciate that she shared some of her experiences with our students!

The CHS Art Club is offering art classes for students this semester. Their first art class will be on February 16, from 3-4 PM in the grade school cafeteria. Students can sign up for individual classes for $20 each or for the entire semester for $60. Registration closes the Tuesday before each class.

The Cumberland #77 Shoe Tree Program received a donation of $650.00 from Schumacher Orthodontics. On January 17, 2023, Dr. Schumacher presented the check to the founder of the Shoe Tree Program, Roz Gresens.

These students have been selected as February Raiders of the Month for Cumberland Elementary and Middle School. They are a great example of the Raider Keys! Congratulations and keep up the good work!

Meyer Twins Art will be back at school on Wednesday, February 22, from 3:15-5:00 PM. To register, fill out the form on the link below. The $25 payment is due by February 17. https://forms.gle/c3LS8ZUKkqQzy7vq6

Mrs. Walsh’s 7th grade reading classes participated in mythology stations yesterday. Their station activities included reading with dice questions, flash card review, and playing Zeus on the Loose.

Mrs. Ralston’s 5th grade social studies classes participated in a market economy simulation today. Students were chosen to “sell” pencils to their classmates. In order to compete against other vendors, they had to make adjustments based on the market. Students came away understanding how supply and demand change market value.

Please join Cumberland Drama as they host a fundraiser to benefit their upcoming musical, the Wizard of Oz. Meet some of the cast members, enjoy breakfast, and bid on some silent auction items! The fundraiser is on Saturday, February 4, from 7-10 AM at the Toledo Christian Church. The cost is a free-will donation.

Cumberland CUSD #77 will be closed on Wednesday, January 25, 2023. All extracurricular activities are cancelled as well. Stay warm and stay safe!

2023 5Essentials Parent Survey
Please take a moment to fill out this survey for each of the schools your children attend. This is a valuable tool to help our schools improve. We appreciate your help!
About the Survey: The 5Essentials is an annual statewide survey that gathers information on five indicators: leaders, teachers, families, environments, and instruction. Participating in the survey will help the district better understand how it is doing and guide future decisions.
The survey is open from January 24-March 31.
Survey Link: http://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/survey/parent/

Today is the American Red Cross Blood Drive at Cumberland Elementary and Middle School. The Blood Drive will be held in the cafeteria from 2-6 PM. Visit RedCrossBlood.org and enter CumberlandES to schedule an appointment. Thank you!!

Cumberland is looking for a school psychologist to join our staff. Please contact the Unit Office at 217-923-3132 for more information.

Students in Mr. Princko's Geography class are creating presentations about the provinces of Canada. The goal of the presentation is to entice others to move to their province.

The HS Art Club is hosting an after school art class for 5th through 8th graders next week on January 26, from 3:00 to 4:00. Students will be making a wooden snowman. If you are interested in attending, contact the middle school office for a form. All forms and payment are due by January 24.

The seventh grade boys basketball team will begin their Regional on Saturday, January 21. They will play Red Hill at 10:15 AM. The games are being played at Red Hill Jr/Sr High School on 908 Church Street, Bridgeport, IL. Good Luck!

There will be a Blood Drive on Monday, Jan. 23, from 2-6 PM at the Elementary School. Please visit RedCrossBlood.org and enter CumberlandES to schedule an appointment. Those who give blood between January 1-31 will automatically be entered to win a trip to Super Bowl LVII in Phoenix! Each student who brings someone in gets a free pair of earbuds!