The Shoe Tree orders are due on Tuesday, January 17. If you are experiencing financial hardship, complete this form for qualifying students to receive a free pair of shoes. Shoes will be distributed by the school in mid-February.
about 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Congratulations to the 8th grade boys basketball team on their 3rd place finish in the LEIC Tournament.
about 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Reminder: There is no school on Monday 1/16.
about 2 years ago, Amy Carr
No School
The Cumberland 8th grade boys basketball will play Lawrenceville for 3rd place of the LEIC Tournament at 6 pm on Thursday, January 12, at Newton High School. Good Luck!
about 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Jennifer Dryden received a $100 matching donation from the Area Educational Credit Union for Cumberland Middle School. It will be used to purchase classroom books for the 6th grade. Thanks, Mrs. Dryden, for thinking of Cumberland Middle School as the recipient of this award!
about 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Award Recipient
Elementary and Middle School report cards have been posted to TeacherEase. To view, log in to your account and click the Report Card icon on the left. Kindergarten report cards will be sent home with the students today. High school report cards will be posted next week.
about 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Report Cards
These students have been selected as January Raiders of the Month for Cumberland Elementary and Middle School. They are a great example of the Raider Keys! Congratulations and keep up the good work!
about 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Raiders of the Month
Attendance matters. Missing a day here or there may not seem like much, but it adds up. Please encourage your child to attend school if he or she is healthy. Every day is an important opportunity for students to learn.
about 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Attendance Matters
The LEIC Tournament for middle school boys basketball will be held at Jasper County. Cumberland 7th grade will play Martinsville on Friday, January 6, at 4 PM. If they win that game, they will play again at 1 pm on Saturday, January 7. The 8th graders will ride the same bus with the 7th graders on Saturday, January 7, and will watch the 7th grade game. They will play their game at 2:20 PM against either Pal-Hut or Martinsville. The rest of the games will be alternating nights for 7th and 8th grade teams.
about 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Tournament Schedule
Merry Christmas!
about 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Merry Christmas
Our students were surprised to see some very special visitors this afternoon as they left for Christmas break!
about 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Special Visitors
Special Visitors
Special Visitors
Today, the Middle School students participated in some reindeer games. Each grade competed against each other and the teachers. It was a lot of fun!
about 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Reindeer Games
Reindeer Games
Reindeer Games
Reindeer Games
Grades 1, 3, 5, and 8 have been named the winners of the annual Elementary and Middle School Christmas Tree Decoating Contest! Here is a short video of all of the decorated trees. Enjoy!
about 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Students in grades 6-12 who are interested in Cumberland's Clay Target League Team should attend the informational meeting with their parents on Sunday, February 12 at 2 PM at the Cumberland County Sportsman Club.
about 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Cumberland Clay Target League Team
Mrs. Walsh's students designed an ugly Christmas sweater today. These are the 7th grade Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest winners!
about 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Ugly Christmas Sweaters
Ugly Christmas Sweaters
Ugly Christmas Sweaters
Message from Nurse Peters: Parents--Please check your child's temperature and symptoms prior to sending them to school. There is a lot of illness that we don't wish to continue to share with everyone over and over again. If your child is ill, please keep them home until they are no longer running a fever for 24 hours without medication or until their symptoms improve. Thank you so much! Happy Holidays!
about 2 years ago, Amy Carr
The schools will be dismissing at 2:20 PM on Tuesday 12/20 and Wednesday 12/21.
about 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Christmas Break
Next week, the elementary and middle schools will have holiday spirit dress up days. Dressing up is optional.
about 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Dress up days
During the holiday season, middle school Kindness Ambassadors sell candy cane-grams that allow students to send a kind message to their friends. The candy canes will be distributed next week.
about 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Candy Canes
Candy Canes
'Tis the season for holiday music! The high school band and choir held their holiday concert on Sunday. Last night, the middle school held its annual holiday concert with performances from the 5th - 8th grade bands and 5th - 8th grade choirs. There are still two more chances next week to hear holiday music when the 1st grade performs on Monday and the 3rd and 4th grades perform on Tuesday.
about 2 years ago, Amy Carr
5th Grade Band