It was 8th grade night for the girls' softball team recently. We appreciate their commitment to the Lady Raider softball team!
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Cape Canaveral may not have had their rocket launch today, but the 5th grade rocket launches were successful! In our new math curriculum, each unit provides exploration in STEM careers. Unit 1 explored aerospace engineering. The 5th graders took their turn engineering straw rockets today. The farthest launch went 126 inches!
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Crush Cancer T-Shirts are available to order until September 14. All additional funds will go to assist Brittany Gilbert, Cumberland Middle School teacher, with her medical expenses.
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Health forms and Dental Bus forms are due to the school nurse on Friday. If your child has not brought these forms home, they are still available at both school offices.
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
You may use an order form or order online at
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Picture day
We had a great first day of school!
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Early Dismissal this Week
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Early Dismissal
Open House Tonight!
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
meet the teacher
This week several students got a sneak peek of their school year. Yesterday, the freshman class had “Pirate Training” and tonight the 5th graders attended an orientation of middle school. Don’t worry if you weren’t one of these students. All students and parents can visit the classes and meet the teachers on Friday, August 19, from 6-8 PM at Meet the Teacher Night.
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Meet our new teachers! We are excited to introduce our new teachers at Cumberland! Please help us welcome them to our schools!
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Cumberland 5th grade students and parents/guardians: This is just a friendly reminder that we will have 5th grade orientation on Wednesday, August 17 from 6-7 pm. Please do NOT bring extra people or supplies with you as our space will be kind of crowded and you won't have time to put your supplies away this evening! If you cannot make it, that's totally fine. We just wanted to give you a taste of the awesomeness that awaits you in 5th grade! Go Raiders!
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Due to scheduled maintenance, the District's phone lines will be down for about an hour today beginning around 10 AM. Sorry for the inconvenience.
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Picture day for Cumberland schools will be Tuesday, August 23. You may order your photos at Forms will also be sent home. Order Codes: Elementary School - 68835XF Middle School - 68836V High School - 68836N
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Picture day
Please visit the following link to participate in the 2022-2023 Cumberland Backpack Ministry.
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Good morning! Thank you to everyone that has completed their online registration. Online registration closes this Friday, August 5. If you need assistance completing registration, please contact the school at (217) 923-3132. For best results, please register on a computer. The schools will be open next week for new family registration and those needing assistance in the registration process. Please call the school to make an appointment. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
We have had a great response to online registration. Thanks to everyone that has registered! We have, however, encountered some issues with online registration using the TeacherEase app. To avoid errors, please use the website on a computer or tablet to register your child. If you need assistance, please contact your child’s school at (217) 923-3132. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
If you are having trouble with Online Registration from the app on your phone, please try to complete it on a computer. Thank you for your patience as we navigate this new service.
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Parents/Guardians: When filling out your Online Registration, please remember to add phone numbers for your emergency contacts. If you think that you may have forgotten to add a phone number, please contact your child's school at (217)923-3132. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Online Registration for the 2022-2023 school year is now open and will remain open until August 5. Log in to TeacherEase to begin your registration. You should have received login information via email last week. If you did not receive an email, please contact your child’s school at (217)923-3132 for assistance. New families to the District may register at their child’s school during the week of August 8. Please contact the school at (217)923-3132 to set up an appointment. The schools will be open for registration help during the week of August 8 from 8:30-1:00. For additional information, please click on the registration tab on the school website,
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr
Cumberland 5th Grade Orientation Welcome to our Class of 2030 Cumberland 5th grade students! We will be holding a 5th grade orientation on Wednesday, August 17 from 6-7 pm so you and your parents/guardians can hear a little about the transition to middle school for this fall. Please do NOT bring your school supplies to this event! You will get to meet the teachers, find your classrooms and locker and get the inside scoop on all of the great stuff 5th grade has to offer! If you cannot attend this event, don't worry! If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Keyser, CMS principal, at skeyser@cusd77.or or to Mrs. Ralston, 5th grade teacher, at
over 2 years ago, Amy Carr