The Cumberland Middle School volleyball game originally scheduled on Tuesday, January 18 at 4:30 pm has been moved to WEDNESDAY, January 19 at 4:30 pm. This adjustment was due to officiating conflicts.
about 3 years ago, Amy Carr
Cumberland Middle School Lady Raiders Basketball awards will be held on Wednesday, January 26 at 6 pm in the grade/middle school cafeteria.
about 3 years ago, Amy Carr
There is still time to donate to the Cumberland CUSD #77 Holiday Book Drive 2021. Check out the wish list at Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Amy Carr
Elementary and Middle School Holiday Spirit Dress up Days - December 20-22.
about 3 years ago, Amy Carr
Dress up days
December Raiders of the Month for Cumberland Elementary and Middle school are featured for going above and beyond showing the Raider R's: Respectful, Reliable, Responsible" Students pictured are Ellie Strader, Bronx Clapp, and Olivia Jackson.
about 3 years ago, Amy Carr
December Raiders of the Month for Cumberland Elementary and Middle school are featured for going above and beyond showing the Raider R's: Respectful, Reliable, Responsible Students pictured are Ellie Strader, Bronx Clapp, and Olivia Jackson.
about 3 years ago, Amy Carr
Cumberland Middle School will honor its 8th grade basketball players, cheerleaders, and their parents/guardians on Thursday, December 16 in between the 7th and 8th grade games. Parents/guardians are encouraged to arrive no later than 6:45 pm if they wish to be present for this event.
over 3 years ago, Amy Carr
The 6th Grade Eco Team won 3rd place out of 11 teams recently at Douglas Hart Nature Center. Team members are Alaina Tipsword, Addison Johnson, Lily Pinkerton, and Isaac Ferguson. The coach is DeDe McElravy. Addison Johnson won top score in her two categories.
over 3 years ago, Amy Carr
eco team
My family and I would like to send a million thank yous out to each and every person who bought t-shirts or made a donation. More importantly, we want you to know how grateful we are to be part of such a beautiful community of people. The love & support coming to us through positive thoughts, well wishes and prayers has been so uplifting. For anyone who has gone through struggles in their life, it can feel so lonely and dark at times, but we want you to all know that those fears and feelings of dread are so much easier to work through knowing that there are so many people who care. Our hearts are so full. God bless you all for taking time to give. Each gift has been a blessing, and your words of encouragement are a reminder that with God we can do anything. Thank you so much! Brittany Gilbert and Family
over 3 years ago, Amy Carr
Cumberland Middle School Band and Choir will have their annual holiday concert on Tuesday, December 14 at 7 pm in the new gym. Admission is free.
over 3 years ago, Amy Carr
Cumberland Middle School will honor the 8th grade girls basketball players and their parents on Thursday, November 18 in between games. Parents should plan to arrive prior to 6:45 pm, please.
over 3 years ago, Amy Carr
Thank you Veterans!
over 3 years ago, Steve Wheeler
The Middle School boys basketball game tonight (11/9) will be streamed at
over 3 years ago, Amy Carr
Cumberland Middle School student council will be honoring Stacey Carl with a "wear blue" day on Wednesday, November 3 as blue is the color representing colon cancer. Everyone in all grade levels of schools are invited to participate in this event. Additionally, students may wear a hat and make a donation toward the Stacey Carl Foundation which his family plans to start in his memory. Thank you to Stacey for the way he gave so much to our students and community! Join with us for this event!
over 3 years ago, Amy Carr
Congratulations to the JV Eco Team for placing 2nd out of 19 teams! The team members are Isaac Vanetta, Wyatt Tipsword, Stevi Nichols, and Lauren Stevens. The JV Eco Team is coached by DeDe McElravy.
over 3 years ago, Amy Carr
JV Eco Team
Cumberland CUSD #77 will be presenting our annual appreciation for our Veterans in virtual format on Thursday, November 11. Viewing of our many students and their contributions to this event will be visible from our school website at You will find a link for "Veterans Day 2021" which will take you directly to our tribute. If you have any Veteran or active duty service man or woman that you wish to have listed in our Power Point document, please email Mr. Daniel Huffman at by Thursday, November 4. If you have previously listed your Veteran or active duty service man or woman in the past, you do not need to send that information again unless he or she has achieved a higher ranking or change in status. Thank you to all of you who have sacrificed so much for all of us! Further questions can be directed to Mrs. Stacy Keyser, Cumberland Middle School Principal at
over 3 years ago, Amy Carr
Reminder: There’s no school tomorrow, October 22, 2021.
over 3 years ago, Amy Carr
Congratulations to the following students who were selected to participate in the ILMEA district 5 choir festival on November 20 at Eastern Illinois University: Austin Becker Makenzi Carlen Maddy Cutright Stevi Nichols Wyatt Scales Jason Shellenbarger Lauren Stevens Ellie Strader Lizzy Wolc-Carr These students recorded outstanding auditions and will represent Cumberland Middle school very well! Their director is Mrs. Stephanie Nichols.
over 3 years ago, Amy Carr
Cumberland Middle School cross country awards will be Thursday, October 21, at 6:30 pm in the school cafeteria.
over 3 years ago, Amy Carr
Tomorrow, October 14, is picture retake day at both schools for anyone who was absent on the original picture day. Pictures may also be retaken if students bring in their purchased originals from the photographer.
over 3 years ago, Amy Carr