Congratulations to Cameron Roedl, 7th grade son of Justin and Whitney Roedl, on his fourth place finish at the recent IESA Class 2A Cross Country sectionals on Saturday, October 9 at St. Joseph. Cameron will represent Cumberland Middle School at Maxwell Park in Bloomington on Saturday, October 16 with a 10:15 am race time at the state meet. Cameron's coach is Mrs. Megan Walk. Community members who are available are encouraged to help give Cameron a warm send off by lining the square at approximately 12:05 pm on Friday, October 15 as he receives a fire and police escort out of town on his way to the meet. Students will wish him well as he leaves the school at noon. Good luck, Cameron!

Congratulations to the Middle School Cross Country team for placing 2nd at the LEIC Meet yesterday!

Any 5th grader interested in joining band please contact Mr. Ozier. He has included a letter with information about the band sign-up night, which happened on Tuesday. There is still plenty of time to join and 5th grade is the best time. https://5il.co/z74o

Cumberland Middle School will have their end of the season awards on Wednesday, September 29 at the following times and locations:
Softball under the tent at the south end of the new gym at 5:15 PM
Baseball under the tent at the south end of the new gym at 4:00 PM
Coaches have sent notice to parents through the Band app they have used for communication all season.

The Middle School basketball game scheduled for today has been cancelled by Shiloh. There will be practice today until 5:30.

5th Grade Band sign-ups will be on Tuesday, September 28th, from 3:10 until 6:30. See the form below for more information.

The Cumberland Middle School Cross Country team will honor their 8th graders and their parents on Tuesday, September 21 at 3:45 pm just before the home meet against Casey-Westfield and St. John's Lutheran Schools. Meet time will be 4 pm.

Message for Middle School Parents and Students from Mrs. Keyser:
Good morning,
Since we have early dismissal on Friday, we are going to have a picnic outside for our lunch. If you order the tray from the cafeteria, you will still receive the grilled cheese, sun chips, fruit and other goodies along with a carton of milk. Your lunchroom supervisors will have these for you as you go out the 5th/6th grade doors by Mrs. Dryden/Mr. Edwards' rooms and 7th/8th grade doors by Mr. Princko's room. We can use the tents and other outdoor spaces and you may bring your own INDIVIDUAL towel or small blanket if you wish to do so. If you bring a lunch box from home, you will just take that outside with you. Our lunch times will be a little different in that we will have 5th/6th grade eat from 11:20-11:45 and 7th/8th grade will eat from 11:45-12:05. I think this will be a fun alternative to eating inside and hope the weather cooperates for us! Please let me know if you have any questions.
Mrs. Stacy Keyser, Ed.S.
Cumberland Middle School Principal and Athletic Director

Sarah Bush Lincoln Dental Services will be at Cumberland schools soon. Please return a completed form back to the school no later than September 3, 2021. Forms have also been sent home with the students.

Cumberland Middle School softball will honor their 8th grade ladies and their families on Friday, September 3 at their home game against ALAH at 4:30 pm at the Toledo Legion field. This will take place before the start of the game.

Picture Day for Cumberland Elementary and Middle School is scheduled for Tuesday, August 17, 2021. This Picture Day event's Order Code is 59165BF. To order online, visit the site below. Forms will be sent home closer to the time of pictures.

Cumberland Elementary and Middle School Birthday Celebrations
We are looking for donations to help pay for our monthly birthday celebrations for the 2021-2022 school year. Last year was the first year that the elementary school switched to having school-wide celebrations and they went over so well that the middle school is joining us this year. Having days set aside for school-wide celebrations allows all students to celebrate their birthdays equally and teachers are able to set aside time once a month for the celebrations rather than multiple times for individual parties.
If you would like to make a contribution and help sponsor the birthday celebrations, it would be greatly appreciated. It costs between $300-$400 each month for cupcakes or cookies that are purchased at local businesses. This year we will be creating a list of donors to publish along with a few pictures of the celebrations each month. Donations will be pooled together to sponsor the entire year rather than once a month donations like we did last year. If individuals or businesses would like to donate, please send a check to Cumberland Elementary and Middle School, 1496 IL Rt 121, Toledo, Illinois 62468. No donation will be too small. Anonymous donations will be kept anonymous and if you would like a receipt for tax purposes, please let us know.
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please call 217-923-3132 or email us at dhuffman@cumberland.k12.il.us or skeyser@cumberland.k12.il.us.
We appreciate your continued support for our school. You will be helping our students feel so special on their special day!
Thank you,
Daniel Huffman
Elementary Principal
Stacy Keyser
Middle School Principal

Middle School Students: Please fill out this form if you would like to sign up for art this school year. Homeroom teachers will have copies of this form as well.

6th, 7th and 8th grade students may purchase PE uniforms on Thursday, August 12 between 6-8 pm in the new gym lobby during Meet the Teacher Night. Cost is $15.00 for both shorts and shirt or $7.50 each for just a shirt or just a pair of shorts. Order forms will also go home with students during the first full week of school. Only cash or checks will be accepted for payment.

Parents/Guardians: Please turn this form in to Nurse Dawn Peters at Meet the Teacher Night on Thursday, August 12 between 6-8 pm, if you wish for your child to have permission to take the medication listed on the form. Dr. Venatta of the SBL Toledo Clinic will assist Nurse Peters with this medical order for your child. Also, you may turn in prescription medication in its original bottle at Meet the Teacher Night. Nurse Peters will be in front of the grade school under a tent for your convenience. Students should never carry medicine to and from school. Please contact Nurse Peters at dpeters@cumberland.k12.il.us with any questions.

Here is the link to the CUSD 77 Reopening Plan draft 2021-2022
A community public hearing will be held July 26, 2021 at 6:00 pm. The location is scheduled for the high school gyn. The high school gym is scheduled to have bleacher repairs so there is a possibility the public hearing may need to be moved to the middle school gym.

Cumberland Middle School announces a player/parent meeting for middle school girls softball on Wednesday, July 14 at 5 pm at the Toledo American Legion softball diamond. If you have questions or cannot attend this meeting, please contact head coach Brittany Gilbert at bgilbert@cusd77.org. All athletes must have a current physical on file prior to participating in practice which begins on Monday, July 26.

On Wednesday, July 21st, Cumberland Middle School Cross Country Coach, Mrs. Megan Walk, will hold a meeting at 6 PM at the Toledo Res to discuss the upcoming cross country season and sign up those wanting to participate. Any interested 6th, 7th, or 8th grade boys or girls and their parents are encouraged to attend. Participants are reminded that they must have a current physical on file in order to begin practice. Please contact Coach Walk or Mrs. Keyser, Cumberland Middle School Principal, and Athletic Director, with any concerns or questions.

Lady Raiders Softball Camp:
For girls entering grades 6th-8th for the 2021 season
Monday, July 12 - Wednesday, July 14th
Register at: https://forms.gle/FgCuSHmMTwWr2HGF9

Watch the Middle School Academic Awards live on YouTube or watch later at your convenience at the following link: