Any remote learners wishing to attend school the second semester as an in-person learner should contact their school's office by the end of the day on Friday, December 18, 2020

Kylie Mayes, Cumberland Middle School Student Council President, is pictured giving a donation to Greg Boldt, senior minister at Toledo Christian Church. This donation is for the food pantry at the church and was generated from spirit day hat day proceeds recently. Thanks to the students and staff who donated to this worthy community cause.

Mrs. Carr's homeroom won the Middle School November reading challenge by reading 126 books. The students enjoyed donuts this morning as their reward.

Mrs. Keyser created videos explaining Google Classroom for parents of students in grades 5-8. Visit the News section on the Cumberland Middle School website to view those videos.

If you are calling the grade/middle school building, you will need to call 923-3132 and specify which extension you wish to contact. The extensions for the secretaries are 1101 and 1201. Mrs. Keyser's extension is 1200 and Mr. Huffman's extension is 1100. The old number of 923-3135 is no longer in service.

Cumberland Middle School softball will play in the first round of regionals on Monday, September 21 at 5 PM against Bridgeport Red Hill in Bridgeport at the field on Corporation Street. Go Lady Raiders!

Cumberland Middle School baseball will play in the first round of regionals on Monday, September 21 at 4:30 PM against Bridgeport Red Hill in Toledo at First Neighbor Bank field at 200 S. New Jersey Street. Go Raiders!

Cumberland Middle School will plan to honor our 8th grade baseball and softball athletes at the Toledo ball diamonds prior to the start of the following games.
Baseball: Tuesday, September 9 at 4:30 pm Opponent is Pal-Hut.
Softball: Wednesday, September 8 at 4:30 pm Opponent is Pal-Hut.

To All IESA Member Schools:
In my 32 years of tenure here at the IESA I do not think I have ever experienced anything that has been as controversial as the mandate we received from the IDPH that face coverings must be worn by fans and spectators at both indoor and outdoor events. With our baseball and softball seasons underway, the face covering mandate has been met with a backlash that has become legendary.
Much of the problem for you the schools has been the conflicting guidance given by the state of Illinois. We were given the mandate by IDPH. We shared with you that masks had to be worn by fans and spectators at all times outdoors and yet ISBE and DCEO put out a document called the All Sports Policy that said that masks did not have to be worn by fans and spectators when they were outside and they could maintain a safe social distance (pg. 8 of the document)
Over the last several weeks, Craig Anderson, the Executive Director of the IHSA, and I have emailed and texted numerous times to the Deputy Governor, ISBE, IDPH and others asking for clarification and answers as to why the two documents are different. We have explained how unfair it is to you the schools to have information that is completely opposite. Despite numerous attempts to get a response, we heard nothing on this issue. However, yesterday we finally received an email response. Basically, we were told that schools should follow the guidance given by DCEO. We were told that the DCEO guidance is the "floor" and that organizations like IESA and IHSA can be more stringent. IESA has no intention of making things more stringent.
Given the All Sports Policy is co-branded by ISBE and DCEO and given that on pg. 8 of that document it states that fans and spectators do not need to wear masks when outdoors and able to maintain safe social distance, my recommendation to all IESA member schools is that you follow the guidance given in this document. Of course you have the responsibility to insure your fans and spectators are maintaining safe social distance but as long as they are, then the document gives you the guidance you need regarding face coverings at outdoor events. In addition, you also have the responsibility to ensure your players and coaches are following the guidelines that have previously been sent.
I am sorry for the confusion we all have experienced and the time it has taken to sort this out for you. I wish we could have received answers sooner to alleviate the confusion. We are updating all of the information we have on our website to reflect this information we finally received.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Steve Endsley
Executive Director

Mrs. Keyser's welcome back message to middle school students.

Cumberland Middle School Parents and Students:
Here are a few more details as we approach our return to school in a few short hours:
1. Our day begins at 8:05 am in the middle school this year.
2. If you have your own chromebook/laptop at home and don't wish to use one of our chromebooks to take back and forth, that is fine. Please just let your teacher know this. If this plan changes for you and your family, please notify your homeroom teacher.
3. During this first week, onsite students only need to worry about the two days they will be on campus. They will not have assignments on "blue group" days if they are in the gold group or on "gold group" days if they are in the blue group. Teachers may assign some activities for all gold and blue group students to complete on Friday, August 21, but that communication will come from your child's teacher to them and to parents as we all navigate through this first week. It will be important that you (parents/guardians) and your child are checking your email frequently throughout the next days and weeks. Please talk to your child A LOT this week about what and how they are doing things.
4. Remote only learners: Information and chromebook pick up will be on Friday, August 21 during the school day at the High School Ag shop large overhead doors. Your learning will begin on Monday, August 24. You will receive a lot of information from your teachers in how to complete these activities.
5. Parents: Please remain patient and flexible with all of the new things that are going on. We are all going to be doing our best, learning along the way, and will take great pride in providing the best education possible for your child! Please email or call us with any questions or concerns!
6. Have a great 2020-2021 school year, Raiders!

Cumberland Middle School Parents and Students:
If your child is a BLUE group student, he/she will attend for the first time on Monday, August 17. If your child is a GOLD group student, he/she will wait to begin their learning until their first day of attendance on Wednesday, August 19. You don’t need to do anything else on those first two days of school in which the blue group will be onsite. The school day begins at 8 AM and your child should report to his or her homeroom class. There will be no recess before school this year.
If your child is a REMOTE ONLY student, you should have received an email about device pick up on Friday, August 21 and information about your child’s school activities beginning on Monday, August 24.
Onsite students: Bring only the necessities with you to school. Please don’t bring toys, electronic games, and other items that could get lost or damaged. Cell phones and other electronics will not be allowed at recess and may not be on a person during instructional times. Cell phones must be off or on silent mode and will be kept in backpacks during the school day. Students will need a backpack. You will bring everything with you to school and home again (including a chrome book) every single day. You will NOT use lockers. Wear tennis shoes so you can participate in PE. If you choose, you may bring a water bottle for water only and a towel to use outside during mask breaks so you don’t have to sit in the grass.
Please self-certify your students prior to them coming to school each day and don’t forget your mask!
We look forward to learning with you this year!

Cumberland Middle School baseball will host a season opener at the Toledo ball diamond on Saturday, August 15 at 9 am against Okaw Valley. This is in place of the Sigel games that were originally scheduled. Sigel had to place a conference game in the original game slot at their location. There will be one complete varsity game and some "B" innings to follow.

Cumberland Middle School Reopening Plan
Cumberland Middle School Athletic Plan

Cumberland Middle School Baseball player/parent meeting: Monday, July 20 at 6:30 pm at the large pavilion at the Toledo Res.
Cumberland Middle School Softball player/parent meeting: Monday, July 27 at 5:30 pm at the Toledo Legion field following the first practice.
Cumberland Middle School Cross Country player/parent meeting: Monday, July 20 at 6:00 pm at the small pavilion at the Toledo Res.
Sports physicals: Wednesday, July 15 from 3-6 pm at the SBL Toledo Clinic $20 MUST have an appointment. Call 849-3151.
All 6th, 7th and 8th grade Cumberland students are eligible to participate and must have a current physical on file prior to the first practice (Baseball-August 3, Softball-July 27, Cross Country (August 3).
**The IESA is holding a meeting on July 15 to determine next steps for our fall seasons. If changes/cancellations are made by this governing body, a new post will be made with that information as soon as it's available.

Enjoy the Cumberland Middle School 2020 8th Grade Video - Class of 2024.

8th Grade Shirts can be ordered at the following link until 5/11. They will be shipped directly to each student's home. They are $14.57 plus $4.99 shipping for a total of $19.56 a shirt.
The design on the link is only a Draft for now. The front will have the ship sailing away with 2024 on it. The back will have all of the 8th grader's names in the 24.

8th grade students interested in high school cheerleading for the 2020/2021 school year are encouraged to contact Shaina Oakley-Kanizer before May 1. 2020 to let her know of your interest in being on the squad. She can be emailed at shaina.oakley@gmail.com

Cumberland CUSD 77 students at the annual Wabash Valley IPA student recognition dinner in Olney.
Elementary - Jude Miller, Ty Ralston
Middle school - Libby McGinnis. Braydon Olmstead
High school - Micaela Bradley

The Cumberland Middle School Kindness Ambassadors sold Candy Cane Grams around Christmas time this school year. The money that they raised went towards purchasing new books for our school library. Pictured are the Middle School Kindness Ambassadors and the books they purchased with the funds from the Candy Cane Gram Sale.