Cumberland Middle School boys basketball will play a rescheduled game with Tri-County on Monday, January 6 at 6 pm at Cumberland. This is a change in the schedule due to having to reschedule a conference game on the original Tri-County game date.
about 5 years ago, Amy Carr
This morning (August 27), Cumberland elementary and middle school students participated in a crisis emergency DRILL. This drill was discussed in your child's classroom. Our school officers and our local sheriff also participated in this drill. Our students and staff did a great job.
over 5 years ago, Amy Carr
HSHS St. Anthonys Health Center will hold an Athletes Advantage Sports Clinic for students going into 6th-8th grade at the Cumberland High School gym. See flier for more details.
almost 6 years ago, Steve Wheeler
Athletic clinic for 6th-8th graders
CANCELLED - CHS Guest Speaker: Tim Ryan - The guest speaker Tim Ryan that was scheduled to speak at Cumberland High School tonight at 6:30 has been cancelled due to a medical emergency.
almost 6 years ago, Steve Wheeler
Cumberland High School will be hosting an Orientation meeting for incoming freshman and their parents on February 26, 2019 at 5:45 in the high school cafeteria. Discussion topics will include, scheduling, extracurricular activities and overall expectations for the class of 2023
about 6 years ago, Steve Wheeler
Cumberland Middle School is collecting items for Socktober. Donations of socks, hats, and gloves are being collected for those in need. Monetary donations are also accepted. Please send donations to CMS by November 9, 2018. Thank you for donating to kids and adults in need!
over 6 years ago, Amy Carr
Proud moment: Mrs. Keyser just received a call from one of the girls basketball officials from our first game at Robinson last night! He complimented our fans, coaches, and players on their great attitudes and sportsmanship! RAIDER PROUD!
over 6 years ago, Stacy Keyser
One of our students said, "I worked hard for this $20, but Nora needs this money more than I do for her medicine!" RAIDER STRONG and RAIDER PROUD!
over 6 years ago, Stacy Keyser
Thank you for your generosity! One of our bus drivers gave every child on her bus $1.00 toward hat day for Nora!
over 6 years ago, Stacy Keyser
So proud of our Raider family today! Our hat day raised $600 for Nora Weemer and her continued fight with luekemia! RAIDER STRONG!
over 6 years ago, Stacy Keyser
To continue our support of Cumberland Middle School 8th grader, Nora Weemer, we will have wear a hat to school day on Fri., September 21. In order to participate, students should send in $1. Money raised will help Nora's family as she continues her luekemia treatments.
over 6 years ago, Stacy Keyser
Cumberland Elementary and Middle School conducted a fire drill this morning (Friday, September 14, 2018) in conjunction with the Greenup and Toledo area fire departments. Our students and staff did a wonderful job in this drill and we appreciate our local fire departments as they support and protect us.
over 6 years ago, Stacy Keyser
Cumberland Middle School girls basketball practice will begin on Tuesday, September 4 from 3:30-5:30 PM. There will be a parent meeting following this first practice at 5:30. All players must have a current physical on file in order to practice.
over 6 years ago, Stacy Keyser
The Cumberland Middle School softball game for today, Wednesday, August 29, has been moved to CASEY with a 4 pm start time. Bus leave time will be 2:45 pm.
over 6 years ago, Stacy Keyser