The 7th grade girls basketball team will play Casey for third place of the LEIC tournament at Robinson on Wednesday at 6 PM. Go Lady Raiders!

Today, Mrs. Gilbert's science class modeled the scale of our Solar system!

The 6th grade students in Mrs. D. McElravy’s social studies class completed a STEM challenge to build the tallest pyramid as a culminating activity for their Egypt unit!

On Thursday, October 31, the elementary and middle school students can dress as their favorite book characters. Students should be able to move easily in their costumes and should not have any props or masks that would cause a distraction. This is an optional activity.

Cumberland CUSD #77 would like to invite our veterans and their families to join us for an all-school assembly on Monday, November 11 at 9:15 AM in the high school gym to honor those who have sacrificed so much for all of us. Rolls and coffee will be served to our visitors in the high school cafeteria beginning at 8:15 am. If you would like to update your veteran's information for our PowerPoint presentation, please send that information to Mr. Daniel Huffman at dhuffman@cusd77.org or call 217-923-3132 extension 1100. We will announce those veterans who are in attendance during the program and have all names given to us in a PowerPoint presentation prior to the event. Other questions about the event can be directed to Mrs. Stacy Keyser at skeyser@cusd77.org or 217-923-3132 extension 1200.

The Cumberland Middle School cross country team will hold their end of season awards on Sunday, November 3, at 4:00 PM at the Salem United Methodist Church. Runners and their families are invited to attend and enjoy a meal, as well.

The middle school Kindness Ambassadors made posters to hang up in the cafeteria for National Bullying Prevention Month!

Reminder: There is No School on Friday, October 25.

Family Registration for One Stop Community Christmas 2024 will open on Wednesday, November 6 at 10:00 AM. Registration will close Friday, November 8, at 11:59 PM. If the maximum family count is reached before then, registration will close early. Family registration will be ONLINE only at: onestopcommunitychristmas.com The day of OSCC (Saturday, December 14, 2024), the parent/guardian will need to bring a photo ID and each child's (Newborn to 18 only) social security card to the event held at Lake Land Community College. If you have any questions, you may email: onestopcommunitychristmas@gmail.com

On Friday, Cumberland Middle School students with good behavior and grades throughout the first quarter celebrated at the annual dodgeball tournament! Team 16 won overall and faced the teachers where they again won in the best of three games! Congratulations to all of the students for their efforts in the first quarter!

The fall book fair is right around the corner! This year's dates are slightly different from most years. It will not be available during parent-teacher conferences. Please note the change of date: November 11th—November 15th. Families may shop together after the district's Veteran's Day service on Monday, November 11, from 11 AM. to 3:30 PM.

Cumberland sent Colby and Liz off to the state meet in style today! They compete at the IESA State Finals tomorrow morning. Good luck!

Last night, Cumberland and Neoga girls basketball players and fans celebrated women in sports before the games. Players honored female athletes who came before them and encouraged younger generations to play a sport. Players from both teams wore special warm-up shirts honoring the women in sports. The evening ended with Neoga winning both the 7th and 8th grade games.

Cumberland CUSD #77 would like to invite our veterans and their families to join us for an all-school assembly on Monday, November 11 at 9:15 AM in the high school gym to honor those who have sacrificed so much for all of us. Rolls and coffee will be served to our visitors in the high school cafeteria beginning at 8:15 am. If you would like to update your veteran's information for our PowerPoint presentation, please send that information to Mr. Daniel Huffman at dhuffman@cusd77.org or call 217-923-3132 extension 1100. We will announce those veterans who are in attendance during the program and have all names given to us in a PowerPoint presentation prior to the event. Other questions about the event can be directed to Mrs. Stacy Keyser at skeyser@cusd77.org or 217-923-3132 extension 1200.

Congratulations to the following students, who were selected through auditions for ILMEA District 5 music festivals! We are so proud of you!
Jr. Band - Shelby Nichols
Jr. Chorus - Chase Burns, Isabelle Carlen, Hendrix Dunn, Amber Lewis, Ethan Matthew, Chloe Roedl, and Audrey Schade
Jr. Vocal Jazz - Jaylynn Bone, Chase Burns, Isabelle Carlen, Cameron Coleman, Amelia Colnar, Hendrix Dunn, Ian Glenn, Katie Martin, Ethan Matthew, Lilly Mendenhall, Shelby Nichols, Audrey Schade, and Adam Wolke

Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for October 22 and 24 from 4:00-6:30 PM. Elementary and middle school: contact your child's teacher to schedule an appointment. High school: contact the office at 923-3133 to schedule an appointment.

Colby Roedl and Liz Sudkamp qualified for the IESA state meet at today's sectional! Colby placed 5th at Sectionals with a new PR. Liz finished 12th overall with a new PR. Ivy Brummer placed 23rd and Paige Wolke 25th. Graham Braden, Clayton Shellenbarger, Eden Fitch, Ivy Brummer, and Natalie Peters all finished their season with new PR’s. The girls team finished 5th overall in the 15 team race.

The eighth grade class spent the day in Springfield yesterday learning about Illinois history and government!

We’re hiring for several positions within our school district. Check out our available openings listed below. Feel free to share this post with anyone who might be a good fit!

Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for October 22 and 24 from 4:00-6:30 PM.
Elementary and middle school: contact your child's teacher to schedule an appointment.
High school: contact the office at 923-3133 to schedule an appointment.